Showing posts with label pc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pc. Show all posts

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Rise of new VIRUS for PC!! Safe yourself now

With the COVID 19 (for humans) already killed thousands of people already but thats not enough there is new virus of same name that is COVID 19 for PC, Laptops, Smartphones etc .

This basically a malware that destroys infected systems, either by wiping files or rewriting a computer's master boot record (MBR).

What is MBR ?

A master boot record is a special type of boot sector at the very beginning of partitioned computer mass storage devices like fixed disks or removable drives intended for use with IBM PC-compatible systems and beyond. The concept of MBRs was publicly introduced in 1983 with PC DOS 2.0.

How to protect yourself from this malware ?

Its simple just install any anti malware or anti virus software update it everyday and thats it you are safe from this malware.

Now how to choose from a paid and a free antivirus software see my blog below

Saturday, June 1, 2019

PC V/S Gaming Console

Welcome to my another blog guys today I'm gonna compare the gaming consoles and PC. So let's get started

PC is all time gaming machine and even let you work 

and at the same time gaming console is a dedicated gaming machine like Xbox 360, PS1 to 4 and 5 is upcoming

I do not any of the machine but they are similar and different at the same time so I am here to check which machine is more reliable

1. Gaming controllers

Gaming consoles have a dedicated controller easy to hold and fun to play, But its difficult to become expert user Sometimes its really difficult to use these controllers in shooting games like PUBG

Whereas PC has keyboard and mouse as basic controller but can even switch to gaming controllers like Gaming consoles already have but PC gamers buy them separately.

2. Futureproof

The most Gaming PC's are future proof as they are highly customizable as if you need any component just buy it and use it in your PC Like graphic card, processor, RAM and other components as well and in short they are future proof as they can be changed according to future needs

But in Gaming consoles they are not future proof as they have same configuration and normal user can't change them. If I want to change the configuration I need to buy another console So in simple terms it's not future proof.

3. Exclusive Games availability

Exclusive games are basically the games but are only available for particular consoles Like God Of War 4, Spider-man(PS4) and many others. These games are made available only to certain platforms and are not playable on any other platform like PC. (Basically I'm not talking about people who somehow manage to run these game on emulator I'm talking about the genuine gamers)

In this blog I'm not saying any console is waste or is must buy product its just normal comparison and please take it in the same way as well.

Leave your questions if you have in the comment below I'm happy to answer them

Thursday, May 30, 2019

3 websites you should VISIT on Internet

Today everyone is connected to internet and also surf on daily basis but people most commonly visits social websites but now they got there application as well. 

Most common surfed websites include Facebook, gmail, twitter, Instagram, whatsapp and many other. 

But today I'm gonna tell you three websites you should visit So let's start

1. Reddit(

It's a social media website but we can say its a forum as well for discussing a topic. Almost 500 million visitors visit the website per month. and the number is still increasing it has a huge user base.

50% visitors are from US, 8% from UK and 6% from Canada and remaining are from around the world. Reddit is very under rated social media platform It didn't get much attention like Facebook.

The user can post anything, discuss on some topic, make friends as well. You should visit this website as you may learn something new or even you get your answer of question that you didn't find anywhere else. I also tell you that the beginning of anonymous group is started with a website/forum mush similar to reddit

2. Quora(

Quora is not very popular before but now it is very popular as if you serched something there are very high chances that quora can be found in the search results. Basically on this website you can ask any question and any user from quora can answer the website and in the similar way you can also do the same as well you can give the answers to others question if you know. 

And also if you don't want people to know you answered the question you can hide your identity as well. It is also useful in promoting Youtube channels and blogs as well.

3.  duck duck go(

Basically duck duck go is a search engine that didn't track your any online activity No doubt that google search engine is best than any other search engine but when people think about privacy and tracking activities google is prove not very reliable. We know that google did this to improve your result and help to get better search results.

Whereas duck duck go didn't track your any activity in any way it simply shows result and also it provide same result to everyone

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Paid Anti-virus V/S Free Anti-virus

There is basically no need of antivirus at first place in either android or windows OS as they have built in protection against most common viruses, spyware etc.

The Windows OS has windows defender that act as a powerful antivirus.

BUT if you have a pirated copy of windows installed then you might need to have a antivirus as any pirated copy of Software definitely have VIRUS.

When you need a Free Antivirus

  • When you have a pirated windows installed
  • When you use software that are already free
  • When you normally surf the internet just for FUN
  • When you didn't really want a software that only available as paid version

When you need a Paid Antivirus

    • When you have a original windows installed
    • When you try various software that are only available as paid but you downloaded free version from just any website.
    • When you have very less knowledge about internet.
    • When you want after sales services that is if your PC/Laptop has got VIRUS even after installing a Paid antivirus(that is just impossible) so the company will remove the Virus without any loss of data.
    What is Basically difference b/w a paid and free anti-virus??

    A Paid antivirus offers all the features that has free antivirus and also more/additional features like after sales services, Anti Ransomwares Protection and many other

    A paid antivirus give a extra layer of protection to your PC/Laptop But it might also make your system slow 

    whereas at the same time free antivirus provide only basic features but doesn't affect performance of system 

    It is so because free antivirus only has basic features that is has some modules that antivirus software has and at the same time A paid antivirus has many modules containing all functionalities that increase the size and also might affect performance of the system.

    Antivirus software works on behavior detection of  files and also has virus definitions to detect known virus daily updated in virus definition.

    So, at last my advice to all the readers is that always update your antivirus on regular basis so that it has latest virus definitions.

    Wednesday, May 15, 2019

    Tech Facts #3

    1. First portable computer built in 1979 and its name was Grid Compass. It was developed by Bill Moggridge.

    2. The world's first successful laptop was Osborne 1 and was priced at 1700$
    3. It is a fact that everyday 12000 laptops are stolen or lost on US Airport.

    4. Login was supposed to be the first word that is sent through internet but during transmission the system was crashed and the words sent first on internet was LO.

    5. Do you know in 1969 the highest capacity RAM manufactured by Intel was only of 1 KB.

    6. World's highest cost domain was sold for 35 million $ in 2012

    Tuesday, May 14, 2019

    Apple iPhone Facts!!!

    Unknown Facts  about Apple Iphone :

    1. Do you know Iphone does not start with the phone manufacturing but started with tablet/PC that has virtual keyboard from there Steve Jobs got idea if PC/tablet has a keyboard what if making a phone that has the same.
    And then the world got its first iphone in 2007

    2. During the launching of first iphone company put a contract to show the apple logo instead of mobile carrier logo so that the phone is have only brand of Apple itself.

    Like suppose if I use airtel carrier sim in apple iphone so instead of showing airtel logo it shows the apple logo.

    3. The first apple phone was not manufactured by Apple Company, it was developed by Cisco Systems

    4. Apple store is the first app store where user legally can download apps.

    5. It is noticeable that during every launch of new apple iphone the time will be 9:41

    It is due to the fact that Steve jobs Launch first iphone at this time

    6. Do you know that apple processors are made by Samsung

    7. In year 2007 Apple Iphone got the invention of the year award from TIME magazine after launch of First Iphone 

    8. In 2012 there comes a time that sales of iphone has increased on a very high scale. According to reports 3,40,000 iphone are sold in one day.

    9. Do you know whatever command you give to Siri AI assistant in Apple iphone has saved your recording in apple server for 2 years for analyzing and research purpose.

    10. Do you know if you buy iPhone in Brazil you have to pay the double of original price in US

    Monday, May 13, 2019

    how to record on windows without any use of third party software on windows PC/laptop

    Steps to record any game on PC  from windows 8 onwards(without using any software)

    Step 1. Open the game  of which you want to record

    Step 2. Go to the place in game from where you ant to start record 

    Step 3. Press Windows(button/key)+alt+r(you don't need a  microphone to record your voice) recording will immediately begin

    Step 4. After recording press Windows + g and click on stop button to stop recording.

    Step 5. You will immediately get a notification of recording showing the location where the file is saved. 

    This option proves to be helpful you don't want to use any third party software just for recording a video.