Showing posts with label security. Show all posts
Showing posts with label security. Show all posts

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Worlds Safest Password : "Password" || Read all Details here

Okay first of all the title of this blog is really a understatement and second most people think that how is this possible maybe the writer is idiot or something well I won't blame you but first read this blog then decide about me. I'll try to make my explanation as easiest as possible. So lets get started

Well first of all I fully support my title that Password is actually the safest password but there is also a catch in this.

Now first of all just think about it how a password cracking work :

it take a single alphabet or number or special character and calculate all the permutation and combinations right. Okay so if some people still don't understand let me give you an example :

Ex: suppose you password for an account is "PasswOrd" okay so basic password cracking tool simply apply a to password field afcose it won't work same way then b is tested all the to z now. Do keep in mind only small letters are tested. Now all the upper case alphabets are tested A to Z but as of this movement nothing works now Both 2 letters are combined ab are tested all the way to az which doesn't work similarly after many attempts password will be cracked. 

That's basically overall the password cracking tools work mostly. Now back to my statement how the word "password" is actually the safest password. 

Total possible combination for word password is 6435 and that is only for small alphabets. Now as I add the special characters, numbers, upper case alphabets the total number for combination will increase.

Now afcose many readers also thinking about that since now this whole password cracking process is automated what's the point of all this. Well that's a brilliant point and also correct in its own sense but just think about it any website for password cracking always has a limit for wrong password. 

Basically a user will only enter a wrong password for a certain number of times so even though the tool is fast enough but still doing all the combination isn't really possible for many tools. 

I fully agree that having password as password isn't really the most safest thing to done atleast from security point of view but still having password as password is more like a wild card it has good and also worst side..

Apart from that in this era no one really care to put password as password since there are password managers that saved the password and also make or suggest new strong password that are combinations of all the words, numbers and special characters and that is super easy to use but just think about storing your password at one single place is safe? Well I don't think so since if buy any chance the hacker gain access to this manager and that'll immediately provide access to all your accounts. I understand cracking the software isn't easy but it is not impossible as well.

Now,  at last I agree that many readers may actually still challenge my statement and I agree with them yes they're absolutely correct but even they also know that my points I explained above aren't completely wrong either. So ultimately all I can say is for better security don't just relay on passwords managers since a single vulnerability can give access to all accounts in one go.

I use this tool to calculate all the combinations for password. It is a free online tool.

Feel free to comment your opinion and do check out my other blogs as well

Monday, July 19, 2021

pegasus spyware is BACK ? How to SAVE your device || Full Details Here.

As I live in India there is a news covered on almost every news channel and website I did some digging myself and find out it the Pegasus spyware attacking Politicians and Govt Officials[any department.]. And same thing happening around the world

First of all the spyware is not really new If you google it yourself you find out its made by Israeli company in 2016. I really don't wanna go deep inside it like how it made, why does it made etc but I'll help you just click on HERE and you'll get all the basic information regarding the spyware.

What should you do Now?

Well being a spyware you really can't do anything. because a spyware is designed to be not detected but it not really good to exactly think like that. 

All you can do right now is taking precaution like don't click on unknown link or don't install any third party application

This spyware specifically targets mobile OS that is Android and iOS. Its really shocking. Right? I mean how can iOS can be infected with the spyware or anything. Many people think that but remember if it is not in news doesn't mean that iOS can't be infected with virus or spyware. It's also a software and honestly any OS like Android, iOS, Windows[You already know], Linux Distributions such as kali, ubuntu, parrot etc. all these software's are hackable and can be infected by virus or spywares.

Is there any possible permanent Fix YET ?

Well No, there is no fix yet. But I hope companies already start finding fix to this spyware so in near future you probably get the fix via Next OTA update.

Why Should we care ?

Well honestly you shouldn't care IF

1. Your account get hacked you'll just blame police, India being under developed country or any other reason

2. Your private data leaked from your phone but why you care as your phone is empty you have never clicked any picture of you family members, friends, you'll get the idea right.

3. Your location is constantly tracked it may lead to murder, robbery or even worst 

There are many points I can write down but I hope you'll get the idea why should you care if by any chance you don't understand just google it or comment below what you don't understand and I'll give you answer .

What you seriously do to be safe ?

As the spyware is really good and targets specifically whatsapp and telegram so if you don't really use any one of them just uninstall it. Apart from this just don't click on any link which you think that it's a fake[ Mostly fake link claim which possibly not possible like you win lottary or earn money Rs10,000 just by clicking the link or you received Rs 50,000 in your paytm wallet/bank or google pay account click to claim. Just read this line again from here "I shouldn't click on the link"]. 

For some time don't use any banking application on your phone for some time atleast until the fix is released for this spyware

Why this spyware ?

Well to be honest you are the people are the reason. Well there is reason and a strategy behind it actually. Your data [choices, likes/dislikes etc.] enable many companies to get rich that include Google, Facebook, Instagram etc. After the Apple iOS launch feature to stop application to track users activity[Basically user see less or no advertisements] a months back in iOS update 14.5 and now Google also planning to do the same with android 12[According to rumors]. These update basically cut the revenue from advertisements. Full details HERE. There is a rumor that this spyware is secretly purchased by Facebook to track user and again showing advertisements to earn profit.

How to identify if the phone is already infected ?

Well look for possible symptoms like

- Slow performance than before

- The battery didn't stay for long as before

- Look for any unfamiliar application and uninstalled it immediately.

In India PUBG[Tencent version], Tik Tok and other applications are banned but many people still use it by some trick, I recommend uninstalled them immediately

Being a application it has to use mobile resources to run so only that time you can notice some suspicious behavior of your phone. You'll definitely notice strange behavior of your phone if your phone is already infected and as soon as you find out try to format for phone [if possible] or just disconnect the device from any network[including internet].

How this spyware work[based on information present on internet] ?

This spyware is work in two way like as you know that all communications are designed to send and receive data and this spyware target this process so a hacker[attacker] send this spyware as a message, link, image or any thing to target or targets and also being communication two way so the attacker get data from your phone so most possible way to stop this spyware from working is to disconnect the device from internet and turned it on only in need but for some possible is not possible so all they do is look for possible activity on their phone.

If I leaving any important do comment that to get all information and that all for today. Have a nice day to you all. Be Safe

Friday, May 14, 2021

iOS 14.5 is HERE. What's new


The iOS 14.5 is already launched and many people even download and start using it. The update size is almost 2 GB and I get this update soon after its announced. But before posting the blog I want to use the feature of update myself. This update is for all iPhones till iPhone 1st Gen. Its really a big update and let's get started

1. Unlock iPhone with Apple Watch

Its pretty much self explanatory. So now user can securely and effortlessly unlock iPhone with the Apple Watch while attempting to use face ID while wearing a mask. As you know that Covid-19 Pandemic is far from over so its really difficult to unlock iPhone using face ID as most of time it didn't recognize the user but now the user can use the apple watch to unlock his/her iPhone

2. New and improved Siri Voice

As you know that apple has Siri the virtual assistant that help user in any best way possible. In this update new voices are added earlier there are 1-2 voices that Siri uses to speak but now it has multiple new voices. The new Siri voices uses Neural Text to Speech technology for an incredible natural sound.

3. App Tracking Transparency

 Well this feature I really want to have on my phone as the iPhone has already launched it so I'm hoping Google also launch a feature something like this. Well feature basically stop any application that tries to track you. As you know that many apps tries to track you to show you personalized ads based on your data collected. Almost any company that shows ads on its app will track you like Facebook or Instagram. Due to this feature there is a serious clash b/w apple and Facebook. Check full information here.

4. New Emoji

Well there are lots of addition of new emoji includes a beard women, injection, headphone etc. 

5. Report incident in Apple Maps

Well this feature actually is quite late on iPhone as Google maps got this feature a long time ago but all I can say is better late than never. This feature is basically for reporting an incident like accident or collision or road closure etc. This information about incident will be visible to apple map users. 

That's all for today. Thanks for reading. If I did some mistake or if you have any suggestion for my blogs do let me know in comments below
Do checkout my other blogs as well

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Paid Anti-virus V/S Free Anti-virus

There is basically no need of antivirus at first place in either android or windows OS as they have built in protection against most common viruses, spyware etc.

The Windows OS has windows defender that act as a powerful antivirus.

BUT if you have a pirated copy of windows installed then you might need to have a antivirus as any pirated copy of Software definitely have VIRUS.

When you need a Free Antivirus

  • When you have a pirated windows installed
  • When you use software that are already free
  • When you normally surf the internet just for FUN
  • When you didn't really want a software that only available as paid version

When you need a Paid Antivirus

    • When you have a original windows installed
    • When you try various software that are only available as paid but you downloaded free version from just any website.
    • When you have very less knowledge about internet.
    • When you want after sales services that is if your PC/Laptop has got VIRUS even after installing a Paid antivirus(that is just impossible) so the company will remove the Virus without any loss of data.
    What is Basically difference b/w a paid and free anti-virus??

    A Paid antivirus offers all the features that has free antivirus and also more/additional features like after sales services, Anti Ransomwares Protection and many other

    A paid antivirus give a extra layer of protection to your PC/Laptop But it might also make your system slow 

    whereas at the same time free antivirus provide only basic features but doesn't affect performance of system 

    It is so because free antivirus only has basic features that is has some modules that antivirus software has and at the same time A paid antivirus has many modules containing all functionalities that increase the size and also might affect performance of the system.

    Antivirus software works on behavior detection of  files and also has virus definitions to detect known virus daily updated in virus definition.

    So, at last my advice to all the readers is that always update your antivirus on regular basis so that it has latest virus definitions.