Showing posts with label coronavirus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label coronavirus. Show all posts

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Rise of new VIRUS for PC!! Safe yourself now

With the COVID 19 (for humans) already killed thousands of people already but thats not enough there is new virus of same name that is COVID 19 for PC, Laptops, Smartphones etc .

This basically a malware that destroys infected systems, either by wiping files or rewriting a computer's master boot record (MBR).

What is MBR ?

A master boot record is a special type of boot sector at the very beginning of partitioned computer mass storage devices like fixed disks or removable drives intended for use with IBM PC-compatible systems and beyond. The concept of MBRs was publicly introduced in 1983 with PC DOS 2.0.

How to protect yourself from this malware ?

Its simple just install any anti malware or anti virus software update it everyday and thats it you are safe from this malware.

Now how to choose from a paid and a free antivirus software see my blog below

Friday, March 20, 2020

Top Rumors ON Coronavirus || Food Contamination|| Ryan Reynolds DEAD?

Well In this epidemic people just can't stop themselves to spread rumors. So I am here to bust these fake news and rumors in INDIA and other countries. Lets start 

1. Projection of fake death

This news also comes from faceb post claiming that Deadpool star Hollywood actor Ryan Reynolds is dead. The news is absolutely FAKE. He is very much alive and by god grace not infected. And I hope he remains that way only.

2. Sydney food is not contaminated

Well the news is completely false it came out from a facebook post claims a location in Sydney and the food is contaminated by Coronavirus.

3. Dogs spread CORONAVIRUS in INDIA

The news is absolutely FAKE. Dogs(MALE or FEMALE) can't spread coronavirus it can only be spread by physical contact of human being only. Dogs can't/don't spread CORONAVIRUS. Dogs are the one of innocent animal on earth don't blame them for things they can't do that. Any dog either from street or domestic can't spread coronavirus

4. Electronic devices are contaminated by CORONAVIRUS 

The news is absolutely FAKE. As the electronic devices(mobiles,pc,laptop etc) cant be contaminated by the coronavirus. People can easily use these devices without worrying about the virus infection. 

5. Drink boiled water to kill virus

The news is FAKE as boiled water only kill contamination in water not the virus like coronavirus. So take necessary precaution. This protect your family and your loved ones.

6. High Temperature can kill CORONAVIRUS

The news is no doubt is fake. The cure is not found yet but the scientists are working continuously on cure. I hope its made very early.

7. Salt water is cure for virus

Multiple post on social media claims that salt water is cure for coronavirus. But the news is FAKE. Many named expert’s team said saline will not “kill” the virus and urged people not to believe or share online rumors.

8. Conspiracy Theories

Many post on twitter or Facebook claims that the virus is intentionally released by US or China etc as a Biological Weapon. The news is FAKE. As if it was a biological weapon whichever country release it, the country definitely saves its own people by providing them cure.

For more coronavirus news check my other blogs below

For Safety precautions check my another blog HERE

Thursday, March 19, 2020


Lots of people are already dead just because of this virus but alot of lives still be saved just by taking some precautions issued by WHO(World Health Organization).

  • Wash your hands frequently.

  • Avoid touching your face.

  • Sneeze and cough into a tissue or your elbow.

  • Avoid crowds and standing near others.

  • Stay home if you think you might be sick.

  • When in doubt consult with a healthcare professional.
  • Use anti-pollution mask when going outside

  • Avoid going outside.

Monday, March 9, 2020

CORONAVIRUS - Tech Update | How To Check | Fake News & Reality

Coronavirus already take thousands of death but some people are just interested in faking news even at this movement one is coronavirus on internet? I covered in my another blog do check it out.

There are also other fake news spreading on internet and today I will expose these fake news.

1. Coronavirus is secret China's Biological weapon. Its a FAKE news as if its true people in china won't die.

2. During experiment on a virus in Canada it leak through the company. Its a FAKE news.

3. Companies like Apple closes its store in china. The news is true.

4. Indian Govt. will escort Indians from china to protect them from virus. Its a truth.

5. This disease has no effect on tech devices like you can't get this virus by using mobiles phones, laptops, PC, etc. The virus will only spread by direct contact.

6.If you travel a lot use this website to check in which cites coronavirus is already spread.

7.Facebook is tackling the fake news by developing a mechanism to track fake news. but there is no confirmation when its goona live for people. This mechanism basically confirms one identity by some method to stop spreading fake news.

8. Facebook uses you likes and dislikes to show you customized ads but now you can turn it off in privacy settings.

CORONAVIRUS On The Internet?

Till date coronavirus takes many deaths which is increased slowly I really hope the virus will end soon. 

Now lets get to the today's topic that coronavirus is on the internet. Basically its a phishing produced by cyber criminals. They just think of their own good and in this case  using coronavirus as coronavirus phishing.

These cyber criminals send multiples e-mails to people having alert messages regarding spreading of coronavirus in their area or regarding free checkup to their nearest labs. 

These are fake e-mails just ignore them. Be safe don't stick to television news. Confirm news from multiple sources (if possible)