Showing posts with label carrier. Show all posts
Showing posts with label carrier. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Apple iPhone Facts!!!

Unknown Facts  about Apple Iphone :

1. Do you know Iphone does not start with the phone manufacturing but started with tablet/PC that has virtual keyboard from there Steve Jobs got idea if PC/tablet has a keyboard what if making a phone that has the same.
And then the world got its first iphone in 2007

2. During the launching of first iphone company put a contract to show the apple logo instead of mobile carrier logo so that the phone is have only brand of Apple itself.

Like suppose if I use airtel carrier sim in apple iphone so instead of showing airtel logo it shows the apple logo.

3. The first apple phone was not manufactured by Apple Company, it was developed by Cisco Systems

4. Apple store is the first app store where user legally can download apps.

5. It is noticeable that during every launch of new apple iphone the time will be 9:41

It is due to the fact that Steve jobs Launch first iphone at this time

6. Do you know that apple processors are made by Samsung

7. In year 2007 Apple Iphone got the invention of the year award from TIME magazine after launch of First Iphone 

8. In 2012 there comes a time that sales of iphone has increased on a very high scale. According to reports 3,40,000 iphone are sold in one day.

9. Do you know whatever command you give to Siri AI assistant in Apple iphone has saved your recording in apple server for 2 years for analyzing and research purpose.

10. Do you know if you buy iPhone in Brazil you have to pay the double of original price in US