Showing posts with label virus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label virus. Show all posts

Monday, July 19, 2021

pegasus spyware is BACK ? How to SAVE your device || Full Details Here.

As I live in India there is a news covered on almost every news channel and website I did some digging myself and find out it the Pegasus spyware attacking Politicians and Govt Officials[any department.]. And same thing happening around the world

First of all the spyware is not really new If you google it yourself you find out its made by Israeli company in 2016. I really don't wanna go deep inside it like how it made, why does it made etc but I'll help you just click on HERE and you'll get all the basic information regarding the spyware.

What should you do Now?

Well being a spyware you really can't do anything. because a spyware is designed to be not detected but it not really good to exactly think like that. 

All you can do right now is taking precaution like don't click on unknown link or don't install any third party application

This spyware specifically targets mobile OS that is Android and iOS. Its really shocking. Right? I mean how can iOS can be infected with the spyware or anything. Many people think that but remember if it is not in news doesn't mean that iOS can't be infected with virus or spyware. It's also a software and honestly any OS like Android, iOS, Windows[You already know], Linux Distributions such as kali, ubuntu, parrot etc. all these software's are hackable and can be infected by virus or spywares.

Is there any possible permanent Fix YET ?

Well No, there is no fix yet. But I hope companies already start finding fix to this spyware so in near future you probably get the fix via Next OTA update.

Why Should we care ?

Well honestly you shouldn't care IF

1. Your account get hacked you'll just blame police, India being under developed country or any other reason

2. Your private data leaked from your phone but why you care as your phone is empty you have never clicked any picture of you family members, friends, you'll get the idea right.

3. Your location is constantly tracked it may lead to murder, robbery or even worst 

There are many points I can write down but I hope you'll get the idea why should you care if by any chance you don't understand just google it or comment below what you don't understand and I'll give you answer .

What you seriously do to be safe ?

As the spyware is really good and targets specifically whatsapp and telegram so if you don't really use any one of them just uninstall it. Apart from this just don't click on any link which you think that it's a fake[ Mostly fake link claim which possibly not possible like you win lottary or earn money Rs10,000 just by clicking the link or you received Rs 50,000 in your paytm wallet/bank or google pay account click to claim. Just read this line again from here "I shouldn't click on the link"]. 

For some time don't use any banking application on your phone for some time atleast until the fix is released for this spyware

Why this spyware ?

Well to be honest you are the people are the reason. Well there is reason and a strategy behind it actually. Your data [choices, likes/dislikes etc.] enable many companies to get rich that include Google, Facebook, Instagram etc. After the Apple iOS launch feature to stop application to track users activity[Basically user see less or no advertisements] a months back in iOS update 14.5 and now Google also planning to do the same with android 12[According to rumors]. These update basically cut the revenue from advertisements. Full details HERE. There is a rumor that this spyware is secretly purchased by Facebook to track user and again showing advertisements to earn profit.

How to identify if the phone is already infected ?

Well look for possible symptoms like

- Slow performance than before

- The battery didn't stay for long as before

- Look for any unfamiliar application and uninstalled it immediately.

In India PUBG[Tencent version], Tik Tok and other applications are banned but many people still use it by some trick, I recommend uninstalled them immediately

Being a application it has to use mobile resources to run so only that time you can notice some suspicious behavior of your phone. You'll definitely notice strange behavior of your phone if your phone is already infected and as soon as you find out try to format for phone [if possible] or just disconnect the device from any network[including internet].

How this spyware work[based on information present on internet] ?

This spyware is work in two way like as you know that all communications are designed to send and receive data and this spyware target this process so a hacker[attacker] send this spyware as a message, link, image or any thing to target or targets and also being communication two way so the attacker get data from your phone so most possible way to stop this spyware from working is to disconnect the device from internet and turned it on only in need but for some possible is not possible so all they do is look for possible activity on their phone.

If I leaving any important do comment that to get all information and that all for today. Have a nice day to you all. Be Safe

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Rise of new VIRUS for PC!! Safe yourself now

With the COVID 19 (for humans) already killed thousands of people already but thats not enough there is new virus of same name that is COVID 19 for PC, Laptops, Smartphones etc .

This basically a malware that destroys infected systems, either by wiping files or rewriting a computer's master boot record (MBR).

What is MBR ?

A master boot record is a special type of boot sector at the very beginning of partitioned computer mass storage devices like fixed disks or removable drives intended for use with IBM PC-compatible systems and beyond. The concept of MBRs was publicly introduced in 1983 with PC DOS 2.0.

How to protect yourself from this malware ?

Its simple just install any anti malware or anti virus software update it everyday and thats it you are safe from this malware.

Now how to choose from a paid and a free antivirus software see my blog below

Monday, March 9, 2020

CORONAVIRUS - Tech Update | How To Check | Fake News & Reality

Coronavirus already take thousands of death but some people are just interested in faking news even at this movement one is coronavirus on internet? I covered in my another blog do check it out.

There are also other fake news spreading on internet and today I will expose these fake news.

1. Coronavirus is secret China's Biological weapon. Its a FAKE news as if its true people in china won't die.

2. During experiment on a virus in Canada it leak through the company. Its a FAKE news.

3. Companies like Apple closes its store in china. The news is true.

4. Indian Govt. will escort Indians from china to protect them from virus. Its a truth.

5. This disease has no effect on tech devices like you can't get this virus by using mobiles phones, laptops, PC, etc. The virus will only spread by direct contact.

6.If you travel a lot use this website to check in which cites coronavirus is already spread.

7.Facebook is tackling the fake news by developing a mechanism to track fake news. but there is no confirmation when its goona live for people. This mechanism basically confirms one identity by some method to stop spreading fake news.

8. Facebook uses you likes and dislikes to show you customized ads but now you can turn it off in privacy settings.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Tech Dark Secrets

Technology is evolving very rapidly. It completes milestone very fast but even in a tech industry there are secrets that people don't want you to know. There are some companies that move forward and tell there secrets themselves.

So lets get straight to the point. Here are dark secrets of tech industry

1. You know which smartphone is good, bad or worst according to its specification But you don't know that GOOGLE claims that some smartphones are injected with VIRUS or malware even before they get in your hands.
But GOOGLE assures that if there is a virus or malware the GOOGLE PLAY PROTECT informs you about it

The main reason behind this is any tech giant can't manufacture full phone alone they might require some help of any third party company so they secretly installed virus to the phone and nobody suspects it.

2. Can you tell me how much TV you have watched today or yesterday?? Let me know in comments below
It is harsh truth of modern or evolved technology that today people is almost leave watching TV. It is a reason maybe TV is remained which is before like there is only one story which has shown in different perspectives like nagin(all seasons) and many other TV shows. There is a time when people complete their work from particular time to watch something on TV either a movie or show. The main reason behind is mobile phone

According to some expert reports from year 2021 TV will start getting finish off.

3. You know that the place on internet we surf is very small part of internet if you don't know let me know in comments below I'll make a separate blog for that. There are basically three layers of internet. they are:

  • Surface web where we surf the internet
  • Deep web it is Government network
  • Dark web is illegal network of black hat hackers
Dark web secretly hacks small websites and sell user information on dark web people actually can buy the information of people

So many international websites like metro news posts rate of people information they are as follows:

Keep that in mind that these are rate if a person buy the accounts in bulk
  • 1 Facebook account is of RS 1100
  • 1 bank account is of RS 90000 
  • 1 twitter account is RS 300
  • 1 gmail account is rs 550
this information of people is used in identity theft are occurring mainly in cyber crimes

So its my advice never ever used a same password for multiple accounts

That's for today thanks for reading

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Paid Anti-virus V/S Free Anti-virus

There is basically no need of antivirus at first place in either android or windows OS as they have built in protection against most common viruses, spyware etc.

The Windows OS has windows defender that act as a powerful antivirus.

BUT if you have a pirated copy of windows installed then you might need to have a antivirus as any pirated copy of Software definitely have VIRUS.

When you need a Free Antivirus

  • When you have a pirated windows installed
  • When you use software that are already free
  • When you normally surf the internet just for FUN
  • When you didn't really want a software that only available as paid version

When you need a Paid Antivirus

    • When you have a original windows installed
    • When you try various software that are only available as paid but you downloaded free version from just any website.
    • When you have very less knowledge about internet.
    • When you want after sales services that is if your PC/Laptop has got VIRUS even after installing a Paid antivirus(that is just impossible) so the company will remove the Virus without any loss of data.
    What is Basically difference b/w a paid and free anti-virus??

    A Paid antivirus offers all the features that has free antivirus and also more/additional features like after sales services, Anti Ransomwares Protection and many other

    A paid antivirus give a extra layer of protection to your PC/Laptop But it might also make your system slow 

    whereas at the same time free antivirus provide only basic features but doesn't affect performance of system 

    It is so because free antivirus only has basic features that is has some modules that antivirus software has and at the same time A paid antivirus has many modules containing all functionalities that increase the size and also might affect performance of the system.

    Antivirus software works on behavior detection of  files and also has virus definitions to detect known virus daily updated in virus definition.

    So, at last my advice to all the readers is that always update your antivirus on regular basis so that it has latest virus definitions.

    Thursday, May 2, 2019

    Tech Facts!!!

    Tech facts you don't know before!!!!
    1.  Out of worlds 1000 computers 9 computers are definitely be affected by spyware2. World's first cell phone VIRUS was CABIR-A found in year 2004
    3. Words first alarm clock will only rang on 4 o'clock as it was made for 1 person who wake up only at 4 o'clock After 60 years later the manual alarm clock is introduced.
    4. ALASKA(after QWERTY) is the only region in the whole world that can be typed using keyboard in one line. Check it NOW!!!

    4. Google is banned in china. They have their own search engine, browsers etc.

    5. In china only 45% people use internet but country with most number of people using the internet in the whole world is CHINA