Showing posts with label facts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label facts. Show all posts

Saturday, May 25, 2019



  • Do you know China produces various gadgets basically most of gadgets are produced in china and exports to other countries but its a fact that china also produce harmful gases that affect Ozone layer of earth during production of phone , refrigerators etc.The ratio of chloro floro (CFC's)carbons produced only by china itself is 60%. 

  • Advance Aero Space Threat Identification program that researches on aliens happenings or unusual happenings around the globe by American Govt. And also this program is kept hidden from general public.Pentagon and American govt proves that they are doing researches on Aliens happening.
  • Do you know that INDIA comes on first position in downloading application(Apps). According to reports of sensor tower 4.3 billion downloads are done in first 3 months of year 2019 in INDIA.
  • In New York city a normal chrome book is on auction having windows xp installed have starting price Rs 2 crore and increased to Rs 6 crore. It is considered to be a dangerous netbook because it contains world's most dangerous malware's installed such as my doom, I love you, wanna cry, dark tequila etc. It was disconnected from internet so no other computer got these malware.

  • Its is a fact that after winning the elections the fans/supporters of BJP party request on twitter to give a lotus flower emoji to show love for BJP .

  • The company huawei company doesn't start from manufacturing smartphones but started from telephone switches
  • Do you know huawei is the company and partnership with 80% of telecom companies till now.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Tech Facts #3

1. First portable computer built in 1979 and its name was Grid Compass. It was developed by Bill Moggridge.

2. The world's first successful laptop was Osborne 1 and was priced at 1700$
3. It is a fact that everyday 12000 laptops are stolen or lost on US Airport.

4. Login was supposed to be the first word that is sent through internet but during transmission the system was crashed and the words sent first on internet was LO.

5. Do you know in 1969 the highest capacity RAM manufactured by Intel was only of 1 KB.

6. World's highest cost domain was sold for 35 million $ in 2012

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Apple iPhone Facts!!!

Unknown Facts  about Apple Iphone :

1. Do you know Iphone does not start with the phone manufacturing but started with tablet/PC that has virtual keyboard from there Steve Jobs got idea if PC/tablet has a keyboard what if making a phone that has the same.
And then the world got its first iphone in 2007

2. During the launching of first iphone company put a contract to show the apple logo instead of mobile carrier logo so that the phone is have only brand of Apple itself.

Like suppose if I use airtel carrier sim in apple iphone so instead of showing airtel logo it shows the apple logo.

3. The first apple phone was not manufactured by Apple Company, it was developed by Cisco Systems

4. Apple store is the first app store where user legally can download apps.

5. It is noticeable that during every launch of new apple iphone the time will be 9:41

It is due to the fact that Steve jobs Launch first iphone at this time

6. Do you know that apple processors are made by Samsung

7. In year 2007 Apple Iphone got the invention of the year award from TIME magazine after launch of First Iphone 

8. In 2012 there comes a time that sales of iphone has increased on a very high scale. According to reports 3,40,000 iphone are sold in one day.

9. Do you know whatever command you give to Siri AI assistant in Apple iphone has saved your recording in apple server for 2 years for analyzing and research purpose.

10. Do you know if you buy iPhone in Brazil you have to pay the double of original price in US

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Tech Facts!!!

Tech facts you don't know before!!!!
1.  Out of worlds 1000 computers 9 computers are definitely be affected by spyware2. World's first cell phone VIRUS was CABIR-A found in year 2004
3. Words first alarm clock will only rang on 4 o'clock as it was made for 1 person who wake up only at 4 o'clock After 60 years later the manual alarm clock is introduced.
4. ALASKA(after QWERTY) is the only region in the whole world that can be typed using keyboard in one line. Check it NOW!!!

4. Google is banned in china. They have their own search engine, browsers etc.

5. In china only 45% people use internet but country with most number of people using the internet in the whole world is CHINA