Showing posts with label facebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label facebook. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Facebook , Instagram, Twitter BANNED in INDIA?? Check Full story Here

First of all the websites ie Facebook, Instagram, Twitter are not yet banned. BUT to be honest YES it's possible they can be banned in near future.

What happened??

Basically when Govt of India issues some rules for OTT and websites for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter the Govt is very much serious about the rules and also give deadline to companies to accept the rules and do necessary changes till 25 May which is completed yesterday. Actually its really important for companies to accept the terms as if they won't accept them they will be banned by Govt. Of India.

What NOW??

Well as of now I can't say anything because no one has given any statement or anything. Last year after India banned most popular apps like TikTok or PUBG and proves that they really don't care about company image if they think that this application or website can be dangerous for people of India then they banned it at any cost.

It's possible that companies are still working on the updates but if they need more time they should asked for more time. I hope companies issues some statement as soon as possible or they will face consequences.

Have a look at the new rules issued by Govt. Of India here.

Friday, May 14, 2021

WhatsApp's New Privacy Policy: Should You Accept It?


As you know that Facebook owned WhatsApp has given time till 15 may which over today. So now what if you don't accept this policy? what will possibly happen? what will be the effect?

So simple answer to these question is the whatsapp service will STOP for people/user who don't accept this new policy like you will receive new messages, calls etc. but you can't able to read messages , check who called you etc. These services will resume once you accept the new policy and still after certain number of days you don't accept policy then your whatsapp account will be disabled(delete) permanently as the user is not using it.
So should you accept it. Well the choice is completely yours to make after all its your account.

Why this policy?

Well as you know that Facebook buys whatsapp so company wants to integrate this application to Facebook messenger so that you can easily connect on whatsapp via Facebook  messenger. The source of profit for Facebook is ads like the relevant ads shown on your Facebook, Instagram profile. So basically this policy is also specifically for showing ads based on your chats with businesses. As you know that there is two whatsapp variants one is for normal users and other is for businessman. 

Why this policy is make a big noise on Internet?

Well its because when Facebook announces this new policy first people feel that they loose their privacy if they accept this policy. People from last year are become very concerned about their privacy

Facebook assures users that after the policy is accepted by user no personal data is collected "BUT" the chats done with businesses will be collected(not the chats but information regarding business) apart from this data some basic data is also collected like the time at which you use whatsapp most, the device you use etc. 

Is it "SAFE"?

Facebook is one of the biggest tech company and also ensures the security of its users. Due to the new policy many people think that the policy is not safe as it may collected the data including your personal data. Well this all things are fake as Facebook mention multiple times that the collected data doesn't include any personal data.

Also many company (signal, telegram) took advantages and also gains users just because whatsapp issues new policy and users must accept it to be able to able to use whatsapp.

Facebook also answers petition to Indian govt that many apps like Zomato, Ola, Arogya setu take data of user. Its not personal data Afcose but its your data. Just open google playstore search for ola, Zomato or any app ,open it, go to about the app, scroll down to end and you can see which data is collected and by which permission.

At the end all I can say is its entirely upto you to accept or not accept the new policy. You can switch to different app like telegram or signal but just think for a minute are you sure about these about these companies because whatsapp proves a dominator for so many  year and suddenly just because some people say that whatsapp is not safe and you believe it. I'm will never said that the whatsapp is 100% safe but its the safest private messaging app available. whatsapp only survives in market because of its users and WhatsApp will not want to lose his position. 

The users should pay some amount to use Facebook and Instagram check out full information here blog here.
Do you know pubg is returning to India with major changes checkout here

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Facebook and Apple Company clash || Full Story Here!!


The clash start from when apple introduce new feature that "STOP" applications like Facebook and Instagram. In latest iOS update 14.5 apple specifically introduces many amazing feature. And out of many of these feature there is feature that stop any application that try to track Apple iPhone user.

As you know that Facebook and Instagram tracks users data to show them ads(advertisement). As you know many companies earn revenue mainly from tracking and shows users ads based on the tracked data.

At many times Facebook agree that they track users using their applications that is Facebook and Instagram. Now problem arises when Apple introduces a feature that stop tracking from any application. Now if Facebook can't able to track iPhone users and you know there are millions of iPhone users around the world and also this feature really slash the earning of Facebook and Instagram as they made maximum profit from showing ads.

Currently the company are discussing the situation and if the discussion didn't go as expected by Facebook so Facebook and Instagram start charging some amount from users in order to use their application.

Actually its a matter of concern for general public also not because they maybe going to pay for using fb and Instagram but also for the security reasons. As you already know that there is a huge data leak from Facebook and millions of public data goes public. Its an old news but if it happens again there are chances that money fraud on this platform is also possible (It's not easy as it sounds but it is possible. FB continuously working on its security). 

Apple company really concerns about security and privacy. I have used an iPhone(its my father's actually and by the way I'm happy Android user). So when I used the phone after iOS update 14.5 the phone literally ask me permission for everything like mic, camera, internal memory, etc. These are really a great features that let you know when an application uses which permission and do you want to give them or not This same thing also on android but with a twist as unlike iOS there is no feature yet that stop any application to track the user(The new android 12 is yet to coming this year).

The solution is not yet been found and its possible there is no solution.

That's all for today see you in next blog. Be Safe!!

Friday, March 5, 2021

New Indian Rules for social media and OTT platform


Past few are quite tensed for Indian govt as people on social media platform are talking too much about country which is really made me sick as no one can do anything as people around the world including popular celebrities.
So keeping this situation in mind the govt of India issues new rules for social media and are explained below

1st Rule

People can't go/talk/comment/share data against constitution and if they did strict actions taken against them. This rule is important because earlier people around the world can easily say anything on any platform like fb, Instagram, twitter etc. against any country and govt of that country can't exactly do anything.

This happens because platforms like fb, twitter etc. didn't have offices in all country so people enjoy and exploit this freedom because rules applies of that country only where they have office. This exactly happens in this case as there is no representative for platform and office in India people on different platform exploit this condition.

this exact same thing also happened in US and they took control it before situation gets out of hand.

2nd rule

Every social media company has to assign a nodal officer so if anything  happens or if someone have complaint/query the govt asks nodal officer to give answers. Nodal officer act as a representative on behalf of company. within  24 hours its the responsibility of nodal officer to remove the content if its against the country constitution or insults country in any way. and also within 15 days the officer also give solution to that problem and also submit a complete report to govt.

3rd rule

Many people famous personalities for roasting people. they become quite famous for insulting people but these roasters must take permission before roasting someone. Because generally people think all you have do is just insulting people its a easiest job and easy money hence career set. But no its not reality these roasters must take permission that I did insult you but didn't involve your family/friends. So if the people is OK of being insulted then only these roasters roast them otherwise they have 5 years jail time if complaint against them to nodal officer. People generally think that its soo cool to insults someone and move on in life but they didn't think the effects on someone's mind after being insulted on social platform.

Just think about once before insulting someone maybe next time you will be on their place somebody can insults you

4th Rule

In this now users can't create multiple or single fake accounts on social media platforms like fb, Instagram, twitter etc. and now the user also need to have KYC to have them identified on social media. The complete process is not yet revealed but now a single user must have single account and also verified by KYC(Know Your Customer).

this thing helpful to avoid trending the fake news as generally people create multiple accounts and use these accounts to share fake news but this rule kind of end this thing.


5th Rule

This rule is for adult content on OTT platforms. The adult content is really fun to watch there is nothing wrong with that but people forget there is reason its called "adult" content. The content is specifically made for adults but is not for children. So now what happens is the content creators must specified that the content is universal(suitable for children and watch with family) , 7+ that is if person age is greater than 7 he/she can watch content of this category, 13+ that is if person age is greater than 13 he/she can watch content of this category this category may include some adult content a very less amount , 16+ and 18+. these categories enables user to choose content to watch properly. Govt of India didn't remove/ban any adult content from any OTT platform but the content creator must put content according to these categories

So can these companies avoid these rules?

well No if the company want to operate in India they must follow these new rules

Monday, March 9, 2020

CORONAVIRUS - Tech Update | How To Check | Fake News & Reality

Coronavirus already take thousands of death but some people are just interested in faking news even at this movement one is coronavirus on internet? I covered in my another blog do check it out.

There are also other fake news spreading on internet and today I will expose these fake news.

1. Coronavirus is secret China's Biological weapon. Its a FAKE news as if its true people in china won't die.

2. During experiment on a virus in Canada it leak through the company. Its a FAKE news.

3. Companies like Apple closes its store in china. The news is true.

4. Indian Govt. will escort Indians from china to protect them from virus. Its a truth.

5. This disease has no effect on tech devices like you can't get this virus by using mobiles phones, laptops, PC, etc. The virus will only spread by direct contact.

6.If you travel a lot use this website to check in which cites coronavirus is already spread.

7.Facebook is tackling the fake news by developing a mechanism to track fake news. but there is no confirmation when its goona live for people. This mechanism basically confirms one identity by some method to stop spreading fake news.

8. Facebook uses you likes and dislikes to show you customized ads but now you can turn it off in privacy settings.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Tech Facts #2

Some unknown facts nobody tell you before!!!!
1. You cannot create a folder name "con" in windows OS.

2. The Fox you see in logo of Firefox browser it is not actually a fox but is a red panda.

3.You cannot block Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook.

4. The founder of Apple Steve Jobs did not know any programming language or coding. He took help of his workers who coded software for him

Hope you learn something new today!!!!