Showing posts with label clash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label clash. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Facebook and Apple Company clash || Full Story Here!!


The clash start from when apple introduce new feature that "STOP" applications like Facebook and Instagram. In latest iOS update 14.5 apple specifically introduces many amazing feature. And out of many of these feature there is feature that stop any application that try to track Apple iPhone user.

As you know that Facebook and Instagram tracks users data to show them ads(advertisement). As you know many companies earn revenue mainly from tracking and shows users ads based on the tracked data.

At many times Facebook agree that they track users using their applications that is Facebook and Instagram. Now problem arises when Apple introduces a feature that stop tracking from any application. Now if Facebook can't able to track iPhone users and you know there are millions of iPhone users around the world and also this feature really slash the earning of Facebook and Instagram as they made maximum profit from showing ads.

Currently the company are discussing the situation and if the discussion didn't go as expected by Facebook so Facebook and Instagram start charging some amount from users in order to use their application.

Actually its a matter of concern for general public also not because they maybe going to pay for using fb and Instagram but also for the security reasons. As you already know that there is a huge data leak from Facebook and millions of public data goes public. Its an old news but if it happens again there are chances that money fraud on this platform is also possible (It's not easy as it sounds but it is possible. FB continuously working on its security). 

Apple company really concerns about security and privacy. I have used an iPhone(its my father's actually and by the way I'm happy Android user). So when I used the phone after iOS update 14.5 the phone literally ask me permission for everything like mic, camera, internal memory, etc. These are really a great features that let you know when an application uses which permission and do you want to give them or not This same thing also on android but with a twist as unlike iOS there is no feature yet that stop any application to track the user(The new android 12 is yet to coming this year).

The solution is not yet been found and its possible there is no solution.

That's all for today see you in next blog. Be Safe!!