Monday, March 9, 2020

CORONAVIRUS - Tech Update | How To Check | Fake News & Reality

Coronavirus already take thousands of death but some people are just interested in faking news even at this movement one is coronavirus on internet? I covered in my another blog do check it out.

There are also other fake news spreading on internet and today I will expose these fake news.

1. Coronavirus is secret China's Biological weapon. Its a FAKE news as if its true people in china won't die.

2. During experiment on a virus in Canada it leak through the company. Its a FAKE news.

3. Companies like Apple closes its store in china. The news is true.

4. Indian Govt. will escort Indians from china to protect them from virus. Its a truth.

5. This disease has no effect on tech devices like you can't get this virus by using mobiles phones, laptops, PC, etc. The virus will only spread by direct contact.

6.If you travel a lot use this website to check in which cites coronavirus is already spread.

7.Facebook is tackling the fake news by developing a mechanism to track fake news. but there is no confirmation when its goona live for people. This mechanism basically confirms one identity by some method to stop spreading fake news.

8. Facebook uses you likes and dislikes to show you customized ads but now you can turn it off in privacy settings.

CORONAVIRUS On The Internet?

Till date coronavirus takes many deaths which is increased slowly I really hope the virus will end soon. 

Now lets get to the today's topic that coronavirus is on the internet. Basically its a phishing produced by cyber criminals. They just think of their own good and in this case  using coronavirus as coronavirus phishing.

These cyber criminals send multiples e-mails to people having alert messages regarding spreading of coronavirus in their area or regarding free checkup to their nearest labs. 

These are fake e-mails just ignore them. Be safe don't stick to television news. Confirm news from multiple sources (if possible)

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Tech facts #5

All new tech facts #5 lets GO!!

1. Netflix company was founded in 29 Aug 1997 and its a fact that it was one year older than Google.

2. The first transaction on internet was not of amazon or flipkart but a drug deal

3. In some regions of India there is no service provided by Uber but its a fact that in dubai you can hire a uber helicopter by paying a more money.

4. You know about 3D printer that can print anything in physical form. But you don't know that it work even in zero gravity. It can print even in space.

5. Its a fact that if you purchase an iPhone in Brazil you pay double the amount of the MRP this is so because of all the taxes put on the phone itself that increases the amount to 2 times of the MRP.

6. Its a fact that CEO of oppo left his position and start his own company known as OnePlus. And the company is a big success.

7. In INDIA if you want to know the details of owner of car You can simply SMS VAHAN Car No. and send it to 7738299899.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Tech Facts and Tricks

Today's blog is not only about but it include some cool tricks also. So lets get started

1. Do you know if you keep your batteries(cell) in freezer it will extend its battery life. This is due to the fact that every battery/cell work with a chemical reaction and we know that in very low temperature stops the chemical reaction. So it reduces the chemical reactions in a battery and hence extends the battery life. 

2. If you use your phone while charging it may not blow your battery but it affect the batter and decreases the life span of your phone battery it may stops working soon than normal life span of battery. This is the only reason the USB cable provided with phone is too short.

3. Its a fact that if you use Duracell battery in your device and the battery may leak and damage the product. Duracell company will replace the damage product if you provide the valid proof.

4. You use  ctrl + alt + delete key combination to get to task manager but if you press ctrl + shift + esc key combination you straight forward open task manager. Its quite easier then other combination.

5. Its a fact that most student use to search essays, article etc to complete home work easily but if you use google scholar instead you get better results than

6. If you want cheap air lines tickets online use incognito mode(In Private browsing) instead of normal window because is you use normal window the website know you definitely going somewhere and want ticket so they increase the price. If you visit a website in incognito mode the prices remain constant as the any data is not tracked by the website.

7. If you're in an emergency situation and your phone battery is at 3% what you will do to save battery..most people simply switch off phone to save battery but its the biggest mistake as switching off and ON phone uses more battery. Instead you can turn On airplane mode of your phone to save battery.

8. Do you know you can use google as timer watch just type set timer hrs:min:sec(in numbers) and that's it, will will show notification.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Games Facts

Its been very long but I am back with another blog of Facts but today is not about tech but the about video games facts.

So lets get straight into it...

1. Do you know that the video game industry earns way more than Hollywood industry. And its really a huge amount.

2. Video game industry is the reason behind advancement in graphics technology as there is other reason make high end graphic.

3. Do you know Grand Theft Auto V (GTA 5/V) is the best product that sells around the world. Its the most popular video game that is best product of all time. the game alone break many records.

4. You definitely remember the girl on loading screen of GTA 5. The Model really look like Lindsay Lohan. And she file a case against the game to use her picture without her permission. But it was later discovered that the model actually in GTA 5 was Shelby Welinder. And Lindsay lose that case 
Th e real GTA 5 girl

GTA 5 in-game loading screen

Lindsay Lohan

5.  The character of GTA San Andreas OG LOC and Ryder are inspired from real life rappers.
6.  Do you remember the main villain of Super Mario name Donkey Kong. The game is based someone kidnapped Mario lover that actually was donkey kong. In actual donkey kong actually is a pet of mario. Mario beat donkey kong really bad. And to teach him a lesson donkey kong kidnapped his lover. The whole game is based on this plot.

5.  Its a fact that people who play video games they are see lucid dreams. These are the types of dreams where the dreamer have control over his actions in dreams.

6.  You have definitely play the Tomb Raider Lara croft game series. Its quite noticeable that her upper body is quite heavy in game. Some gamers/ people found its quite inappropriate. Its actually because of the mistake made by the game designer of the game. During development while developing Lara croft character upper body he accidentally increase the size to 150% instead of 100%. Due to this mistake the Lara croft upper body become heavy and noticeable.

6.  Most people think that PUBG is a shooting game but they are wrong its a survival game/battle royal game. The player can score points even if he didn't anyone and survive alone.Your rank will still increase.
7.You definitely played Assassins creed game that is based on history. Its the facts that whoever player killed in game they are based on actual life events. The player actually killed the actual person on actual person. All the places, timings are very accurate of game.
Thanks for Reading. Thats all for today