Showing posts with label management. Show all posts
Showing posts with label management. Show all posts

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Android V/S iOS

Hello Guys!!!

As we all know the competition between an android and ios is very far from end. As both carries their own benefits and problems.

We know that an iOS device having 2GB RAM (hangs less) is far more responsive that an android device having 4 GB RAM (Hangs more).

So let's differentiate between these operating systems to check which is best at what level. Let's begin

1. When we installing an application in android is consumes some space and also use RAM and when we delete(Uninstalled)the application stop using any resources of a phone. This concept is called Garbage Collection and is based on JAVA. But this concept itself uses resources as well that leads to hanging problem in an android based phone.And if a device have less RAM Like 1GB it make the phone almost unusable

Whereas iOS uses ARC (Automatic Reference Counting) which is based on Objective C Language It works like if any application is not in use it automatically discarded (stop) from using the resources. This mechanism uses less resources and increases overall performance of phone.

2.  Now let's talk about the UI (User Interface).
Android has different UI's like stock android (Used in android one devices), MIUI(used in Xiaomi phones), Color OS(used in OPPO devices), EMUI (used in Honor devices) and many more. 

In android the UI uses same thread as other resources so basically all applications(Apps) including UI are running on a single thread. And also resources are also be used background also as Android gives more freedom to developers. And at one point of time it makes devices to stop unexpectedly and even crashing of some applications.

Whereas iOS uses a a separate thread for UI Which enables resources to be used by UI and Application separately and hence increases overall performance

3. In android APP management is a plus point as android developers have freedom to develop applications either professional or a non professional. So some time apps might cause memory leaks(Memory leaks can be defined as a situation where even after stopping application from running it can't able to free memory/resources)p

Whereas in iOS there is restriction for app developers that enables to permanent stopping to the problem for memory leaks and  hence it increases performance

4. The android is can be used with any phone hardware it doesn't matter. 

But in iOS it can be used with its own manufactured hardware it can't be used be with any other hardware

Look I'm not saying the this battle is over as the both OS has its advantages and disadvantages.

So, I'm just conclude it by saying that the android is NOT the WORST and iOS is NOT the BEST either.